Read this article to see which herbs are beneficial for your hair!

1. Burdock
Often used as a hair loss treatment, burdock increases the blood flow to the scalp and promotes your mane’s health. Fatty acids contained in this herb moisturize and nourish hair shafts while repairing the damage caused by heat and rough treatment. Use burdock rinses to add some shine and luster to your hair as well as improve its general health!

2. Calendula
Due to its soothing properties, calendula is a fantastic remedy for a range of scalp conditions. It regulates the oil production and is suitable for both dry and oily hair. It also reduces bacterial growth and can be used to treat dandruff.

3. Oat Straw
Use oats to add softness, volume, and shine to your hair. Extremely beneficial as a hair mask, this herbal remedy promotes scalp health and nourishes your mane with necessary nutrients.

4. Parsley
Ths herb is often used to treat different scalp conditions including dandruff, inflammation, and irritation. This herb can also act as a powerful antioxidant protecting hair and scalp from the free radicals. Rich in a number of vitamins, parsley nourishes, moisturizes as well as gives additional shine and luster to your mane making it suitable for the best haircut!

5. Rose Petals
Useful for mild scalp inflammation, this herbal remedy can increase blood flow to the follicles and promote hair growth. Use rose-infused organic hair products or even rose essential oil to moisturize and nourish your hair as well as promote body and shine.

Use some of these herbs to beautify your mane!

Visit us for more useful tips for your hair http://dejavubarbershop.com/


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